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Puerto Vallarta

Summer Solstice a Chance to Heal Mother Earth’s Climate Crisis

Summer Solstice a Chance to Heal Mother Earth’s Climate Crisis

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – This Summer Solstice, you can majorly help restore Mother Earth and her climate, given the BBC and Time’s reports of the birth of the first White Buffalo in the wild. “It prophesied both a major blessing and a warning,” said Lakota Chief Arvol Lookinghorse.

All are invited to join fun ceremonies around the world, like our Aztec Solstice Celebration at Cuates y Cuetes Restaurant next to Puerto Vallarta’s Los Muertos Pier at 7 pm this Friday, June 21st. Your gratitude to Mother Earth can help cool Her oceans to restore our coral and fish and inspire the rains to quell fires and droughts that are critical for our food supplies on both sides of the border.

This year Chief Arvol and Paula are holding the World Peace & Prayer Day in Pipestone Minnesota, the center of Turtle Island, (U.S.) in which lies a vein underground through catlinite of the sacred stone which is carved into our sacred ceremonial pipes.

Chief Arvol is today’s 19th Generation carrier of the sacred pipe given by a beautiful White Buffalo Calf Woman, who taught them how to pray, also with the pipe, which helped restore their scarce bison and food supply, like billions need today. As she left she turned into a white buffalo calf. Native Americans see omen in Yellowstone’s rare white bison.

Arvol told the BBC, “I’m so overwhelmed. It’s a miracle. It makes my hairs stand up just to even talk about it. The spirit of the White Buffalo Calf Woman is sending a message that “we must do more.” All nations should come together at their sacred places and unify with us in prayer.”

Back when Arvol was a young National Bronco Riding Champ, a horse fell over on him paralyzing him. Spirit told him that if he would fulfill his destiny to serve humanity, he would be restored. Arvol then founded the annual “World Peace and Prayer Day” on the Summer Solstice here and Winter down under, hosted by different countries. Since billions are already giving Mother Earth loving gratitude for all Her gifts including at powerful sacred sites, like Stonehenge, this is a huge moment to heal Her and Her weather. Click HERE to see Chief Arvol’s amazing story and “ONE PRAYER” on YouTube.

Your loving gratitude to Mother Earth can help inspire rains to Europe suffering from two snowless years why France’s farmers have a Food Security challenge. Africa and Central America are in famine, and CNN’s Anderson Cooper said there could be a Mexican-U.S. Water War. Together we also have the power to help quell the Hell fires ravaging LA County and New Mexico. That’s where our multi-faith ceremony on LA’s Holy Mt Baldy in solidarity with the AZ and NM tribes stopped a fire across the street from the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab and ski area, “preventing a nuclear plume,” so the scientists became believers and had us organize a gratitude snowdance and invite the tribes to ski for almost Free.

In 2001, Chief Arvol was my ski student with his Cheyenne River youth when we held a “Ski Celebration of the Great Plains Tribes” in South Dakota, where his Elders united in a snowdance that critically restored snow for safe landings! The Prophetic Chief then agreed to guide our ceremony to protect the “Greatest Force for Peace and Harmony,” the 2022 Utah Olympics. When Terrorism was expected by the CIA and World psychics,” Senator Mitt Romney’s SLOC asked for our help.

Our ceremony, led by N. Ute Elder Loya Arum and Chairman Roland McCook, was next to Park City’s World’s Largest Tipi on the day before the Native American Opening Ceremonies. I read a touching letter from Muhammad Ali saying, “I stand with my Native American brothers and sisters in protecting these Games.” Along with our snowdance that SLOC and Ski Utah also requested, it started snowing mid-ceremony so they could test their new equipment.

Thanks also to sharing the skiing, Peace and Fun Won! All saving them their mega millions and their legacy. Tahoe’s Olympians and locals honored their tribes for saving their 1960 Olympics, and I was touched that Deer Valley, Alta, Sundance and Brighton honored me for organizing those ceremonies with lift tickets during our March U.S. Snow Sports Hall of Fame event. All ski areas and leaders need to hear this. Our beloved tribes can help them globally!

Those are major lessons of how prayer can inspire ideal weather and protect us. You can also create Peace here and globally by also sending love to the spark of divinity in everyone as it helps heal the childhood hurts we all have, just as lovingly watering Mother Earth’s flowers inspires beautiful blooms. More progress happened this June after the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) saw my press documentation of “50 Snow and Rain Miracles,” 45 I organized, and endorsed me for the IOC Climate Action Award, I share with our amazing team of gifted Elders and multi-faith earth healers.

So the U.S. is lighting the way to restoring Indigenous Snowdances that prevented droughts and massive fires for eons, thanks to Olympic swimming icon-activists Donna deVarona and John Naber nominating me. I was choked up after almost quitting after 28 years. Yet Walt Disney pioneered, asking tribes to lead snowdances at ski areas by saving Tahoe’s snowless 1960 Olympics with 11 ft of snow (which made the cover of TIME).                                                                                                                                          
In 2020, after our Super skier Mikaela Shiffrin united 420 World Olympians to insist leaders prioritize “restoring our snow using a different approach,” our USOPC acted. They also follow my fellow Olympians who in 1999 voted to fund our foundation spreading Native skiing and snowdances across North America since they believed our tribes were the best hope future generations can ski.” 10 years later Stanford-Aspen SkiCo’s Nobel Prize winner Dr Stephen Schneider and the UN agreed and urged the world to follow, but not enough listened. Now leaders of 8 Billion of us, including Pope Francis, say “listen to the Indigenous.” Great, and now it’s critical to ACT with our solution that saved 3 Olympics.

Thanks to my helping spread snowboarding to Canada’s First Nation’s youth, when a luger died and fog and high winds postponed events at their 2010 Vancouver Olympics, I convinced our host, Lil’wat Elder Ronnie Lester, to lead a ceremony for the “joy and protection of the Olympians.” It helped inspire nearly two weeks of “unprecedented bluebird days.” (See “Whistler’s Mt Spirit Celebration” on NAOTF.org.)

That helped Canada’s Nobel Prize Nominee Chief Wilton Littlechild join the board of our Native American Climate Action Foundation (formerly NAOTF). Having been asked to address the IOC two days before the Paris Olympics, he’ll be urging them to finally adopt our Native Ski-Snowdance Climate Solution.

In 2002, Miss Indian World Ke Aloha Alo (Hawaiian-Apache) and I tried to get funds for that at our meeting with their IOC Environmental director in Lausanne, Switzerland, since they “wanted to include more Indigenous in the Olympics to enhance their Sustainability.” It was right after some of Europe’s movers and shakers celebrated our magnificent Native Olympic Opening (NBC’s highest ratings ever) at French Princess Caroline Murat’s (descendent of Napoleon’s sister) “Gstaad Ski and Music Festival,” As our European advisor she hosted us at this “Aspen of Europe.” No IOC funding, but there’s hope now after Nobel Dr Schneider, UN, USOPA and Canada urged this Snowdance Climate Hail Mary. We’re honored to have Chiefs Littlechild and Arvol and his wife Paula as partners. She got Heidi Little’s 15 million UN Children’s Month youth to join our ceremonies so they can happily ski, skate and swim into the 22nd Century.

Imagine how your Prayers and Actions on this prophetic Solstice help us Win this Human Race.
See How Democracy Wins by Landslide thru Women in 2024 – ERA Solves Bodily Rights and Equal Pay’s $4.3Tr for Renewable U.S, Peace and Migration

Written by Suzy Chaffee, a former Olympic skier that helped invent dancing down mountains, who has turned activist, journalist, filmmaker, and has worked with seven U.S. Presidents. She is now co-chairman of a non-profit partnership of the Elders of the Americas and Olympians, called the Native American Olympic Team Foundation, which aims to heal Mother Earth for all our children through joyful sports and education. For more information, contact Suzy at suzynativevoices(at)aol.com, or visit NAOTF.org, a Colorado non-profit.

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