Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Adding landscaping to your Puerto Vallarta property not only creates visual appeal and enhances your enjoyment of your home, but also adds to its value. For those homeowners that don’t have a green thumb, or much experience with tropical landscaping, succulents are a great option.
Succulents are not only beautiful with their variety of shapes and exotic look, but they are also easy to maintain, particularly in our Puerto Vallarta climate. Agave is a succulent and native to our state of Jalisco, but many other succulents like aloe, dasylirion, echeveria, and kalanchoe also thrive in our tropical environment.
Though these plants are easy to grow, there are two things to remember when planting a succulent garden in Puerto Vallarta:
• Unlike a succulent garden in the USA or Canada, your Puerto Vallarta succulents require more watering in the winter season than in the summer. During our dry season, succulents planted in the ground should be watered once a week and those in planters or pots should be watered three times per week.
• Check with a local nursery for advice about the best succulents to plant in Puerto Vallarta because while most grow well here, some will require additional care and attention. A local gardening expert can recommend the best succulents to plant for your level of gardening experience and help you choose a selection of plants that will be pleasing to the eye.
If you live in a condo in Puerto Vallarta, succulents are fantastic potted plants and make for a perfect, easy-care terrace or patio garden, and a great way to bring some tropical greenery to your outdoor space. And some, like aloe vera and snake plant, are also a healthy addition to your home, offering both medicinal and nutritional benefits.
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