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Puerto Vallarta

Tropicasa Vallarta Vehicle Registration

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Now that you have hopefully paid your Puerto Vallarta property taxes online using the instructions in our recent real estate blog post, if you have a vehicle and you haven’t yet registered it for 2021, you will want to do this now, to save 5% for early payment before the end of March.

There are two ways to pay your vehicle registration (often called “placas” in Spanish), either in person or online. Of course, as we attempt to stay at home as much as possible, the online function is appealing, but to avoid frustration, be aware that the website can be tricky, so log-on with some patience and be ready to spend a little time.


Jalisco: gobiernoenlinea1.jalisco.gob.mx

Nayarit: hacienda-nayarit.gob.mx

Both websites function in Spanish and you will need to enter your license plate number and the last 5 digits of the N.R.P.V (serial number) found on your Tarjeta de Circulación (registration card). The website will then generate what you owe – generally somewhere between 600 and 700 MXN – and direct you to a payment screen.

The payment screen is where things can get a little frustrating. You will need a Mexican bank or credit card (foreign cards are not accepted) and there seem to be some bugs with payment screens processing through without an error message. However, you can also print a bill and take it to one of many convenience stores or your bank and pay there.

Once you’ve paid, hang on to your receipt. This will be your legal proof that your license plate is in good standing until after March, at which time you will need to pay a visit in person to UNVIRSE to pick up your new Tarjeta de Circulación.


The other way is to pay in person at the UNVIRSE building on Av. Grandes Lagos 236 in Fluvial which is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. In our experience, the best time to go is around 11:00 am, not right at 8:30 am during the morning rush, and be prepared to wait a bit. However, once you have paid (again, cash or Mexican bank/credit card) you will be issued your new Tarjeta de Circulación on the spot and you will not require another visit.

Similarly, on the North Shore, you can visit the tax collection office at José María Morelos 2 in Bucerías to pay your Riviera Nayarit licence plate registration.

It is important to keep your vehicle registration up to date for insurance purposes, legal purposes, and because unpaid fees will accrue and must be paid in full before you can sell your vehicle or transfer it out of your name. But, with a little patience, vehicle registration is easily paid and affordable.

Click HERE for more Puerto Vallarta real estate and lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.

Since 1997, Wayne Franklin and his team at Tropicasa Realty have been a trusted name in Puerto Vallarta real estate. Tropicasa Realty is the region’s representative for “The Leading Agents of the World” and with over 100 years of combined experience in real estate, all agents of the company are affiliated with AMPI. Wayne Franklin or any member of his knowledgeable team can be contacted in-person at their Romantic Zone Office – Pulpito 145-A at Olas Altas. While in PV they can be reached at (322) 222-6505 or by calling 866-978-5539 (Toll-Free) from the U.S.

Click HERE to learn more about Tropicasa Realty, or visit tropicasa.com.

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MXN - Mexican Peso