68.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

US Global Travel Advisory Mexico

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The global public health threat posed by COVID-19 is high, with 191,127 confirmed cases worldwide as of March 18, 2020, according to the World Health Organization’s most recent (18/03/2020) Coronavirus Situation Report.

On March 19, the U.S. State Department issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory, advising U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19.

“The Department of State has no greater responsibility than the safety and security of U.S. citizens overseas, including providing information to help U.S. citizens make informed decisions about traveling abroad. Many areas throughout the world are now experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and taking action that may limit traveler mobility, including quarantines and border restrictions. Even countries, jurisdictions, or areas where cases have not been reported may restrict travel without notice,” it said.

The Global Do Not Travel Advisory also offered recommendations for those who decide to travel abroad or are already outside the United States:

• Consider returning to the U.S., or your country of residence, immediately using whatever commercial means are available.

• Have a travel plan that does not rely on the U.S. Government for assistance.

• Review and follow the CDC’s guidelines for the prevention of coronavirus.

• Check with your airline, cruise lines, or travel operators regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.

• Visit travel.state.gov to view individual Travel Advisories for the most urgent threats to safety and security.

• Travelers who return from a country with local transmission of COVID-19 and develop symptoms of respiratory illness should seek immediate medical attention and share their travel history.

• The same applies to individuals who were in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and present symptoms of respiratory illness.

Read the full Level 4 global travel advisory at travel.state.gov.

U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico

Mexico confirmed 118 positive cases of COVID-19 within its borders as of March 18. Authorities continue to investigate additional suspected cases. The Mexican Ministry of Health publishes daily updates (Spanish) on the number of coronavirus cases.

The Mexican government’s COVID-19 preparation is based on three scenarios:
1. COVID-19 cases are related to travel from abroad
2. Community-based transmission begins and case numbers are in the hundreds
3. COVID-19 transmission becomes widespread; case numbers are in the thousands

The Mexican government assesses Mexico is currently in Scenario One but transitioning into Scenario Two; they expect to enter Scenario Two by the end of March or earlier.


Entry and Exit Requirements
• There are currently no entry or exit restrictions in place because of COVID-19.

• Mexico has implemented temperature-screening measures at some of its airports. Passengers with abnormal temperatures and travel to high-risk areas might be subject to additional health screening.

• Beyond standard travel documentation, travelers to Mexico do not require any additional documentation to enter or exit.

Healthcare Information
• Health advice for travelers seeking information is available at ports of entry.

• Call the Mexican Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 hotline at 800-004-4800 for information or medical attention. English language operators are sometimes, but not always, available.

• For Emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call 1-800-681-9374 from Mexico or 1-844-528-6611 from the United States.

Helpful Links
Mexico Ministry of Health Information for the General Public (Spanish)
Mexico Travel Health Notices (Spanish)
Mexican Ministry of Health Daily Updates (Spanish)
CDC page on COVID-19

Click HERE for all of the latest news from the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico.

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