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Puerto Vallarta

Vallarta Celebrates Earth Day 2021

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Every year on April 22, over a billion people in 190 countries take action for Earth Day. From San Francisco to San Juan, Beijing to Brussels, Marrakesh to Mexico, people make an extra effort to inspire awareness of, and appreciation for, earth’s environment.

Our planet depends on raising public awareness about the impact of human activities on the biosphere, so Earth Day is usually celebrated outdoors, with individuals or groups performing acts of service to earth, like planting trees or picking up trash.

The theme of Earth Day 2021 is “Restore our Earth,” and it’s all about reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage we’ve already done.

If you are here in Puerto Vallarta you can join in local Earth Day efforts by participating in a community beach/river clean-up on Thursday, April 22. Organized by Langostinos and Monzon Brewing Company, this family-friendly event is a great way to meet new friends, and visit with old ones that you haven’t seen for a while, while making a difference in Puerto Vallarta.

Keeping our beaches clean helps its image with tourists, plus it helps the environment and raises the quality of life for both visitors and those who live here, making it a shared responsibility. And, since garbage floats downriver into the ocean, picking up trash along the banks of the Rio Cuale is equally important.

Join in this community effort on Thursday, April 22nd. Volunteers will meet in front of Langostinos on Los Muertos Beach (near the pier) from 9:00-10:00 am. Please wear a mask, along with comfortable clothes & shoes that can get dirty and/or wet. Organizers will distribute biodegradable bags and rubber gloves to make cleaning up easy and sanitary.

Langostinos will be providing free coffee, and Monzon Brewing Co. will be thanking volunteers by handing out a limited number of coupons for a Free Pint* to be redeemed in their taproom after the cleanup.

Not an early riser but still want to do your part on Earth Day? On April 22 from 12 noon to 12 midnight, Monzon Brewing Co will give a Free Pint* to everyone who brings in a kilo of cans. And they promise that all cans dropped off will be properly recycled to keep them out of the landfill.

(*Free Pint* 355ml craft beer valued at $65 pesos or less, valid on April 22 only, limit one per customer)

For more information, visit the Facebook event page, where Monzon Brewing Company co-founders Miranda and Reid Mortime had this to say, “We realize one day of a beach clean up and recycling effort is not enough, but we’ve gotta start somewhere! We aim to be as green as possible everyday, but there is always more to be done. So join us on Earth Day and also take a moment to consider your practices and what you can improve to make the world a bit more sustainable so we can continue to enjoy drinking beer here for years to come.”

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