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Puerto Vallarta

Vallarta Purr Project Sept News

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Here’s the latest news from Purr Project, a non-profit, no-kill feline shelter located just north of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal of adopting them out to loving homes sterilized, vaccinated and disease free.

September is Virtual Adoption Month

September is the month we celebrate our Virtual Adoption cats. These are usually older cats who have little hope of finding a Forever Home. Many are very people-friendly and would make great companions. Others are feral or have a disability, such as one eye, or are deaf.

You can “Virtually Adopt” one of these felines for yourself or as a gift to a feline-loving friend for $120 a year (or $10 a month) and help us continue to give these adult cats a safe home and medical care for life. You can learn how to virtually adopt and also meet all the candidates on the Purr Project website or by writing us at adopt(at)purrproject.com

Shelter Update

A huge rainstorm on the evening of August 12 caused extensive flooding of the shelter… but NO trees down! We also lost power until the next afternoon, so no pump, and no clean water. By morning the flood waters had drained and volunteers went out to help our staff with the clean up. They drained buckets of water from the water tank and were able to wash mud from the walkways and inside two of the casitas. Lots of muddy kitten feet but all seemed okay!

The good news… A few days later, Category 4 Hurricane Genevieve passed by just offshore. In spite of dire warnings to prepare for torrential rains, Jalisco was relative unaffected and we could breath again! Now we just have to get through September and October.

The Purr Nursery

PuRR sponsored another Adopt-A-Thon at PetCo on the weekend of August 22-23. Unfortunately only three of the 17 kittens we brought there found homes. One of them was our Featured Feline from July, Nellie No Tail! That brought the total of August adoptions to 14… but still leaves about 58 in the PuRR Nursery. All those kittens mean a LOT of medical procedures and a LOT of record keeping for Dra. Eva.

In addition to the usual kittens dumped at the shelter, Jose found a small black poodle tied to the gate one morning. Dra. Eva estimated her to be about a year old. We named her “Lolita”, did the standard treatments, spayed her and then sent her to be groomed. She was badly matted, but otherwise in good shape, and we were fortunate to quickly find a home for her.

Featured Felines: Black Kitties

The PuRR Nursery has so many black kittens that I have no idea how Dra. Eva is able to tell who is who… but she does!

Right now we have Serena, Salome, Opal, Gianluca, Giuseppe, Giorgio, Gemma, Julia, Beauty, Shadow and Summer ready for adoption.

They are all ready for some LUCKY person to come along and add a sweet black kitty to their family. In many cultures a black cat is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity, ward off bad energy and even bring a single woman lots of prospective husbands!

Contact us at adopt(at)purrproject.com if you are interested in one of our Good Luck Kittens. MEOW!

Gracias! Thanks! Merci! Danke! Arigato!

We simply cannot tell you how much we appreciated the donations that came in after our last newsletter! The kitties want to say Muchas Gracias to:

Faye Cardenas & Keith Cowan, Beth & Mike Fiorino, Mary & Bob Fitzgerald, Sharon Tognetti Weber, Kirsten Derrickson, Trudy Dixon, Jennifer Zastrich, Averie Sunshine, John Grahm, Mike & Bobbie Ireland, Sherry Krum, Jaylene Taylor, Elizabeth & Ken Fuerherm and Karen & Lane Borges. We also had three NEW Virtual Adoptions by Deborah Briere, Judy Carlsen and Shanti & Bob Doelger.

For more Kitty News, please visit PurrProject.com.

PuRR Project is a Non-Profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes. All of our residents have been sterilized, vaccinated and are disease free. We accomplish this through our own efforts as well as collaboratively with other animal welfare organizations. Both monetary donations as well as donations of dry cat food are most welcome – and much appreciated. For more information, visit PuRRProject.com or send an email to info(at)PurrProject.com.

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