Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Get ready to experience one of nature’s most awe-inspiring spectacles! From December to March, the tranquil waters of Banderas Bay transform into a marine wonderland as majestic humpback whales arrive to procreate and nurture their young. Traveling thousands of miles, these gentle giants create unforgettable memories for visitors and residents alike.
The 2024-2025 whale watching season officially begins on December 8, giving the whales time to acclimate to their seasonal home. Tours, authorized by Mexico’s SEMARNAT, operate with strict guidelines to ensure both the safety of participants and the well-being of the whales.

Look for boats flying the official whale watching flag, marked with a number and “JAL y Nayarit,” to ensure you’re choosing a certified operator. These vessels are equipped with knowledgeable crew members who are dedicated to providing visitors with an unforgettable encounter while minimizing any disturbance to the whales.
By choosing certified operators, you’ll not only create lasting memories but also help protect these magnificent creatures that make Banderas Bay their home each winter.
Daily tours departing from Puerto Vallarta’s Maritime Terminal offer a variety of options, from specialized observation vessels to larger boats with food and beverages. Expeditions typically last 2-4 hours, with each moment promising awe-inspiring encounters. Seeing a humpback breach or witnessing mothers and calves playfully splash is a thrilling experience that leaves visitors in awe.
As you venture into Banderas Bay, be ready to witness a variety of captivating behaviors, such as breaching, spy hopping, and fluking. These moments highlight the power and grace of these incredible creatures, creating unforgettable memories and perfect opportunities for amazing keepsake photographs.
While sightings aren’t guaranteed, the anticipation adds excitement to every journey. For those lucky enough to witness these natural marvels, the experience is nothing short of magical.
So, if you’re planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta, don’t miss the chance to witness this natural marvel. This incredible season concludes on March 23, 2025, so plan your adventure soon.