64.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Arte Viviente Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – One day, a couple of years ago, I watched a video by Kim Wilson on YouTube. In it, she asked a question, in a nutshell, WHY are artists ‘starving’? Why are artists grateful to receive next to nothing for their efforts?

She then offered an idea: A cooperative group of artists sharing rent, expenses, and the glory. I immediately answered her email with a “yes, let’s do it!”

And we did.

Arte Viviente stands as a monument to her idea. It wasn’t easy to put together, not at all. We are still experiencing growing pains that we deal with daily; you can imagine 45 or so egos plunged together and making it work because it can.

We are painters, sculptors, soap makers, jewelers, clothing and handbag designers, and photographers. We are coffee roasters, organic spice collectors and jam makers. We have an herbalist, a wrought iron creator, a wood crafter of the highest order and hat makers to Hollywood’s biggest stars.

We have canvasses that will fit in the palm of your hand, and many that need an entire wall to themselves. Jewelry that begins with long beach walks to find sea glass to using antique silk. Both create one-of-a-kind pieces that cannot be reproduced precisely, ever.

Over 90% of what Arte Viviente has for sale is made in the Bay of Banderas, and new creations come in daily. The prices reflect what the artist feels is fair for the work involved and range from 50 pesos to 5,000 USD. Because Arte Viviente has no commission structure, our prices are lower than in a typical ‘art gallery’.

We are currently working with the Vallarta Botanical Garden, Cacao Magico, the Vallarta Food Bank and Ryan Donner Real Estate. Together we are stronger than standing alone in these unprecedented times. Arte Viviente is offering new weekend shopping get-togethers that are private and follow strict sanitary guidelines.

Visit us Monday to Friday from 11 am to 5 pm at Morelos 800 at Pipila, downtown Vallarta. For appointments after hours, or to reserve weekend shopping times, call us at 322-365-1551. For more information send an email to ArteVivientePV(at)gmail.com or follow, and love, us on Facebook!

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