Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – On Friday, the Jalisco Health Board announced the relaxation of COVID restrictions in the State would go into affect on Saturday, February 26. However, there are some measures that have not changed, such as the face mask and vaccination certificate requirements that must be met to enter bars, clubs, and other entertainment venues.
Relaxed Restrictions Include:
• In restaurants, cafes and food centers the capacity is 90%, but at each table there can already be up to 12 diners (up from eight).
• In shopping centers and malls, convenience stores, department stores and shops, occupancy is 80%. In the public events that take place in the common areas, up to 150 people can attend.
• In sports clubs and gyms the maximum occupancy allowed is 85 percent.
• Religious activities can also be carried out at 85%, and should be kept as short as possible.
• In museums, galleries, cultural centers, workshops, casinos, cinemas, theaters, forums and water parks, the maximum capacity is also 85 percent.
• Regarding party rooms, open spaces can receive up to 80% occupancy or up to 1,200 people; closed places can only receive 50% of their capacity or up to 600 people. Celebrations can only last five hours.
• Proof of vaccination continues, or failing that, a negative test, at the entrance of bars, casinos, stadiums, mass centers, salons, among others.
• Bars and clubs can operate at 80% of their capacity with hours as marked by their license. Before, the venues’ capacity was limited to 75%.
• Sports Stadiums can operate at 85% capacity.
• In hotels, motels, tourist boats and cruise ships, occupancy can already be 100%, but in common areas it must be kept at 80%.

Holy Week Religious Events Authorized to Resume This Year
After two years of suspension, the State Board of Health gave the green light to carry out Holy Week religious celebrations such as the viacrucis (stations of the cross), the visit of the Seven Temples and the Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Talpa de Allende.
The coordinator of the Jalisco State social development cabinet, Anna Bárbara Casillas Garcia, explained that enforcement of the protocols will have to be carried out jointly between municipal and state authorities.
“The protocols will be worked out with the municipalities and they will be in charge of surveillance. In the case of the Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Talpa de Allende, the event does not belong to a single municipality, so there will be state surveillance that we will be working on with the Ministry of Tourism and, well, almost all the dependencies’ Civil Protection departments, security, etcetera,” commented the official.
During the two-week-long Semana Santa/Pascua vacation period, hotels, motels will be able to operate at full capacity. In common areas, convention and exhibition halls, the maximum capacity will be 80 percent.
Tourist boats and cruises will also be allowed to operate at full capacity.
The health authorities stressed that measures such as the use of face masks and presenting the vaccination certificate to enter leisure activity venues are still in force, in addition to recommendations such as ensuring social distancing, ventilation of closed places and frequent hand washing.
The announced adjustments will remain in force until another evaluation is made by the Board, which could take place in mid-April.
The members of the Health Board highlighted the reduction in the number of COVID cases in Jalisco, with a decrease in infections, hospitalizations, deaths and incidence rate.
In terms of vaccination, it was highlighted that 84.5% of the population of legal age already have at least one dose and 68.5% have the complete schedule. The state secretary of health, Fernando Petersen, said that in April they will evaluate whether to maintain the operation of the macro vaccination modules or to migrate to permanent vaccination modules at health centers.
Source: Informador