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Puerto Vallarta

May 1 Puerto Vallarta News Brief

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In these troubling times, everyone wants reliable, up-to-date information. Here we share some of the latest news from reliable sources in Puerto Vallarta to keep you informed, and tips on how to keep yourself and your family entertained while you #StayAtHome to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Es por Vallarta” Feeds Another 10,000 Puerto Vallarta Families
Thanks to the efforts of many citizens, volunteers, businessmen, city councilors and officials, the DIF System, and the state government, 10,000 more despensas were distributed to vulnerable families as part of the second installment of the “Es por Vallarta” food distribution program, which wrapped up on Monday. This brings the number of ‘care packages,’ filled with non-perishable food staples, basic cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products and other everyday necessities, that have been distributed to 20,000 since the program began on April 8. The ‘care packages’ are being distributed via an appointment system devised to keep crowds of people from gathering together in any one of the 23 distribution centers located around the city, and to ensure that the despensas are delivered in a safe, orderly and organized manner. The “Es por Vallarta” support program will be maintained throughout the contingency, with the next delivery scheduled to take place in two weeks time.

A Full Day Of Free Virtual Health And Wellness Activities
On Friday, May 1 starting at 10:00 am CDT, Velas Resorts will be hosting a completely virtual “Wellnessing Getaway” that’s aimed to help everyone at home stay active and have a little fun in the process. The best part, it’s completely free of charge. The day-long virtual event will include live streamed video workshops hosted by ten instructors covering topics ranging from nutrition and superfoods to at-home cardio and full body toning, yoga for healing, meditation, DIY ritual baths and art therapy. Designed in lieu of their annual Wellnessing Getaway that takes place at Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit in early May, the workshops will stream all day on the Velas Resorts’ Facebook page.

Covid-19 Testing Laboratory Opens in Puerto Vallarta
On Tuesday, April 28th, 2020, the Laboratorio Covid-19 opened at the Universidad de Guadalajara’s (UdeG) Centro Universitario de la Costa (CuCosta) in Puerto Vallarta. Specialists and volunteers who work in the laboratory were trained at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS) to correctly perform screening tests using real-time PCR process, in accordance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization. The testing will be conducted as follows: People with symptoms or suspected contagion of Covid-19 should call 333-540-3001 for an interview to determine the severity of your case. More serious cases will be referred to 911 so medical personnel can come to their homes. For non-urgent cases, an appointment for the university’s testing area will be scheduled. People who receive an appointment must drive to the CUCosta parking lot, where the staff will take a sample and pass it to the laboratory endorsed by the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE). The new laboratory currently has the capacity to process up to 30 tests per day. If necessary, the number of daily tests will be increased to meet demand.

Virtual Vacation: A Weekend in Mexico City
In these days of virtual happy hours and Zoom everything, perhaps a quasi-vacation is not such a far-fetched idea. Jackie Burrell, the editor and senior writer for the Eat Drink Play section of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Mercury News and East Bay Times newspapers, shares some links that’ll take you on a free faux-cation to Mexico City! YouVisit.com offers a scrolling tour of Mexico City’s landmarks, from the 360-degree marble grandeur of La Catedral Metropolitana to the ruins of Templo Mayor, the 15th-century Aztec temple that once crowned Tenochtitlán, where Mexico City began. Next up is a trip to Parque de Chapultepec. The largest city park in Latin America, Chapultepec is home to a zoo, a botanical garden, a lake, nine of the city’s 150+ museums, and a castle that was the home of a Hapsburg emperor, Maximilian I, and his wife from 1864 to 1867. Today, the Castillo de Chapultepec houses the Museo Nacional de Historia – and there’s a virtual tour that takes you through 360-degree views of the grounds, salons and exhibits. Click HERE for her list of other virtual wonders in Mexico City.

Sources: puertovallarta.gob.mxcucs.udg.mxmercurynews.com

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