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Puerto Vallarta

May 15 Puerto Vallarta News Brief

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In these troubling times, everyone wants reliable, up-to-date information. Here we share some of the latest news from reliable sources in Puerto Vallarta to keep you informed, and a fun way to keep yourself and your family entertained while you #StayAtHome to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Phase 0 of the Jalisco Plan for Economic Reactivation Begins Monday
Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez announced that economic activities in the State’s industrial, trade, and services sectors will be reactivated on Monday, May 18, 2020. This means that hair salons (by appointment), hotels and motels (common areas will remain off-limits), as well as nurseries, hardware stores, furniture stores, artisanal workshops, and small neighborhood stores and shops are allowed to reopen on Monday (as long as social distancing is equivalent to one customer for every seven square meters of the establishment). Services such as gardening, plumbing and electrical appliances repair may also resume. Beaches, parks, public squares and shopping centers will not reopen at this stage, nor will gymnasiums or sports clubs. The Governor warned that monitoring of the indicators of infections and deaths by COVID-19 will be maintained and, if necessary, the isolation measures could be reinstated. Click HERE for updated information.

IFC Establishes Community Support Emergency Food Aid Fund
The International Friendship Club (IFC) has established a Community Support Emergency Food Aid Fund. All donations we receive for this fund are being distributed to these local food banks and trusted service providers that we have VETTED or with whom we already have a close working relationship. Providers include: IFC Nutrition Program • Vallarta Abuelos Food Bank • Nutrition for Families of Children with Cancer • The Vallarta Food Bank. Along with food, hygiene support is also being provided, a critical need to help slow the spread of the virus. If you would like to donate to support the IFC’s well-vetted program, visit ifcvallarta.com and click on the What we do/Donate page and select Community Support. No gift is too small, and all gifts will be acknowledged by the IFC to the donor’s email address. The IFC, their food distribution partners, and local residents in need thank you for your generous consideration.

Several Hotels in Puerto Vallarta to Open June 1
Last month, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez issued a mandatory suspension of all non-essential activities and travel through at least May 18. While many Puerto Vallarta hotels and resorts will remain closed, some are scheduled to open beginning in June. Sunscape Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa, Villa Premiere, Friendly Vallarta and many others currently list June 1 as their opening date. Others are waiting until July or August or have not yet determined which date they plan to open. But no matter when they re-open, the local hotel industry is no longer going to be the same. From check-in and check-out procedures, to the cleanliness of rooms and access to common areas, the new norm will be minimal interaction between hotel staff and guests. “In rooms, decorations will be minimal and hospital grade cleaning and disinfection will be performed by specially trained housekeepers wearing protective gear; ‘check-in’ will be done through the hotels’ webpages, which will generate electronic room keys sent to your cell phone. The reception area staff will wear protective gear; hotel restaurants will continue sanitary and distance measures. Buffets will be suspended and room service will be selective. This is only an outline of the great transformation that the hospitality will have,” reported Álvaro Garcíarce Monraz, president of the Puerto Vallarta Hotel and Motel Association.

Nacho Daddy and Monzón Brewing Co. Weekly 322 QuaranTrivia Fundraiser
Join Nacho Daddy & Monzón Brewing Company live on the internet every Wednesday as they host the best trivia in town, no matter what town you’re currently in! Help them put the “raise” in fundraiser, as this weekly event will support the furloughed staffs of our favorite trivia hangouts in PV, Nacho Daddy and Monzón. Play from the safety of your own home via your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, or your big screen TV with Apple TV, Fire Stick, assorted internet dongle, or video game console! Join in the fun at twitch.tv/322trivia every Wednesday from 7:00-9:00 pm CDT, there will be post-lockdown prizes to give away, in addition to digital gift booty prizes to keep things fun. PayPal donations are encouraged, so you can help your favorite Puerto Vallarta bar staffs and have some fun while you’re at it! Click HERE for more information.

Sources: jalisco.gob.mxtravelpulse.com

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