Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – On Wednesday, the mayor-elect of Puerto Vallarta, Luis Alberto Michel Rodríguez, a.k.a. ‘Profe Michel,’ met with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who invited him to the Santa Lucia air base, (the future site of the new civilian international airport for Mexico City), for the Mexico 2021 Aerospace Fair.
At this event, which was organized by the Mexican Air Force and attended by many Mexican politicians, López Obrador reaffirmed his commitment to work hand-in-hand with Profe Michel for the benefit of Vallartans.
AMLO also assured him that there are important projects on the way for tourism in the Municipality; Other topics they spoke about were safety, the environment, roads and infrastructure in Puerto Vallarta.
After his speech, Andrés Manuel introduced Prof. Michel to the US ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, who told the mayor-elect that “Puerto Vallarta is my favorite tourist destination.”
As is well known, Luis Alberto Michel Rodríguez has a close relationship with President López Obrador, who has always shown great trust in the Profe and appreciation for Puerto Vallarta.
Afterwards, in a remote interview with Yuriria Sierra of ImagenTv.com, Luis Alberto Michel Rodríguez discussed the importance of tourism and the need for investment in the city’s infrastructure, including the long-awaited Guadalajara-Puerto Vallarta highway (short cut) that will bring more national tourists to this destination.
Source: Vallarta Independiente