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Puerto Vallarta

‘Mi Amigo Sin Pelo’ Event Supports PV Kids With Cancer

‘Mi Amigo Sin Pelo’ Event Supports PV Kids With Cancer

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – We can all make a difference in the lives of Puerto Vallarta children and young people with cancer, and provide support to their families, by participating in this year’s “Mi Amigo Sin Pelo” campaign, set to be held on November 27, 2022 from 5:00 to at least 11:00 pm at Los Arcos del Malecón.

Organized by the Asociación Femenil Vallartense (Vallarta Women’s Association) to raise funds for children’s cancer treatments, the event aims to raise public awareness, to unite the community and to empathize with those who suffer from this disease.

Translating literally to “My Friend Without Hair,” the event features all kinds of family-friendly fun and games, including artists, clowns, culture, music, and food made by the mothers of children with cancer available for purchase. The public is invited to actively participate by making contributions and/or by having their heads shaved as a gesture of solidarity.

All of the event’s proceeds will benefit the Center for Children with Cancer (CANICA). Each year more than a thousand children and young people are diagnosed with cancer in Jalisco, and the center provides support for minors in Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara, and other parts of the state.

The President of the Vallarta Women’s Association, Evelia Basañez, said that they are currently providing financial support to 22 low-income Puerto Vallarta families whose children are receiving treatment for cancer in Guadalajara.

These families must travel to the capital city up to four or five times every month, and they are hoping to raise at least $150,000 pesos to help solve transportation problems in getting these children to the treatment center.

She indicated that right now the youngest beneficiary is four years old, and the oldest is 18, and when the kids turn 19 they should be discharged from the program due to age. Therefore, the money generated at this event will go towards ensuring that they do not suspend their treatments due to lack of financial resources.

Regarding the issue of people wanting to donate their hair, she explained the following:

“This is not a sacrifice, anyone who wants to volunteer to have their head shaved or their hair cut is welcome to participate. The women’s hair that we collect will be sold for extensions and the proceeds will support the program. Men’s hair goes to the trash but, in this case, it is a symbolic issue. Cutting their hair is an act of solidarity with our children, since the ‘friend without hair’ is not the child with cancer, but is each person who participates.”

On the day of the event, the people who have their head shaved or their hair cut not only receive a commemorative a T-shirt, but also get to spend time with the CANICA children and listen to the testimonies of the families.

But you don’t have to shave your head to enjoy this family friendly event that supports Puerto Vallarta children with cancer. You can simply come out and enjoy a beautiful evening of fun and friendship on the Malecón in downtown Puerto Vallarta.

While there, please consider making a donation. CANICA is trying to raise at least 150,000 pesos, which is not enough since they need between 500 and 600 thousand pesos a year to operate.

“Our hope is that the people of Puerto Vallarta will continue to support this noble cause,” Basañez said, “bringing in acquaintances, friends, and family to raise resources that will serve to improve the living conditions of our children.”

To learn more about CANICA, visit canica.org.mx. For more information about this year’s edition of Mi Amigo Sin Pelo, visit their Facebook page.

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