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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Firefighters Get New Trucks, Await New Ambulances

Puerto Vallarta Firefighters Get New Trucks, Await New Ambulances

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Mayor Profe Michel delivered a much-needed shot in the arm to the city’s firefighters on Tuesday, presenting five brand new double cabin pickup trucks to the Civil Protection and Fire Department. This comes as welcome news after the department had been struggling with a lack of reliable vehicles for some time.

The five trucks represent a five million peso investment, while an additional eight million pesos has been earmarked for four new ambulances expected to arrive in mid-February. This marks a significant step forward for the department, which has faced challenges responding to the dozens of emergencies reported daily due to a lack of transportation.

“The units we had were leaving our team members without transportation on multiple occasions,” said a representative of the Civil Protection Commission. “This resulted in exigencies being left unattended, and in emergencies with injuries, we had to resort to sending paramedics on motorcycles first.”

While the arrival of the new trucks is certainly cause for celebration, concerns remain regarding the city’s fire trucks. Currently, none of the fire trucks are fully operational, leaving Puerto Vallarta homes and businesses vulnerable to potential blazes.

Profe Michel acknowledged the urgency of the issue, assuring residents that repairs to the fire trucks are underway and that the city is actively seeking solutions to address the lack of a dedicated fire truck.

For now, firefighters can breathe a sigh of relief with the arrival of the new pickup trucks, which will undoubtedly enhance their ability to respond to emergencies and keep the city safe. However, the wait for new ambulances and fully operational fire trucks continues, casting a shadow over this otherwise positive development.

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