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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Garden Club Dec 2020

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – The Puerto Vallarta Garden Club supports not only a more beautiful, clean and verdant city, but is making it more attractive to tourism, thus creating a vibrant economy to support all the other great causes in Puerto Vallarta. Here’s the latest news from the PVGC.

Dear Members and Friends,

Please join us online or in person on December 15 at 4:30 CST for our membership presentation featuring our own global gardening rock star, Bob Price. If you don’t already know, Bob is the founder and curator of the amazing Vallarta Botanical Garden and was a founder and the first President of our Garden Club.

This is a meeting on roots. Bob will tell us how our club got started by chance on a drive down Basilio Badillo and why urban beautification is so important to residents and commerce. Then we’ll learn the story of the Botanical Garden, how it progressed and plans for the future.

Our great friends at Incanto are helping us stream this meeting from the piano bar. You can join from anywhere…just go to the Incanto Facebook page and choose “Like and Follow”. When the stream starts (think Garden Club TV) you’ll see a notice to click and join. At that point you will be able to see the presentation.

Tracy recently opened the club to guests… so if you are in PV, you can drop by for a refreshment on the patio starting at 3:30. We’ll move upstairs for the meeting about 4:20. Limit is 25 masked and separated garden lovers.

If you are watching from home, make your own refreshment and toast with us. You can leave a tip of support for their AV staff and bartenders via PayPal. Instructions will be on the screen.

Renew Your Membership

Our club plays an important role in enhancing the beauty, appeal and value of Puerto Vallarta for residents and visitors. The plants and planters require continuous attention and care. This year, our work will depend largely on dues and donations as our annual fundraising Gala is on indefinite hold due to distancing.

If you have renewed your membership… gracias, gracias!

For those who have been waiting, please consider upgrading your membership or making a special donation to move us forward.

Click HERE to renew your membership, donate or join.

Be well, be joyful and we’ll hug again!

The Garden Club is a registered non-profit organization in Mexico that’s devoted to enhancing the beauty, appeal and value of Puerto Vallarta through vibrant public landscaping. Annual dues start at $500 pesos for individuals or $750 for couples and are used to support the club’s ongoing efforts to make Vallarta a more beautiful place. For more information, ‘Friend’ us on Facebook or visit vallartagardenclub.com.

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