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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta March 31 News Brief

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In these troubling times, everyone wants reliable, up-to-date information. Here we share some of the latest news from reliable sources in Puerto Vallarta to keep you informed, and tips on how to keep yourself and your family entertained while you #StayAtHome to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Mayor Reports First Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in Puerto Vallarta
On March 30 at 8:30 pm, Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña made the following announcement: “Friends, the Jalisco Health Secretariat has just confirmed the first case of Coronavirus COVID-19 in Puerto Vallarta, which is already being attended by the corresponding health authorities; It is unfortunate news but an opportunity to responsibly assume the role that we have in this contingency. We are the border that will prevent infections from growing, for your family, for our families, stay at home and follow the recommendations; your health and the health of your family is of utmost importance. Let’s strengthen prevention measures, it is a crucial moment. #JuntosSaldremosAdelante”

Fourth Cruise Ship Docks in Puerto Vallarta
On Monday afternoon, the Westerdam arrived at the Puerto Vallarta maritime terminal, bringing the number of cruise ships taking refuge in our waters to four. The Westerdam joined the Oosterdam, which arrived yesterday morning; the Eurodam; which has been docked at the cruise ship port for 5 days; and the Norwegian Joy, which has been here for 8 days – all of which are now without passengers and only inhabited by their crews. The Westerdam, with 680 crew members aboard, will remain indefinitely in the bay, and like its brothers on the Holland American Line, will anchor on the outer perimeter of the docks, but will use the port for resupply and technical checks. Upon arrival, all of the cruise ships were inspected by the International Health Department of the Integral Port Administration and the Harbor Master’s Office, to rule out the presence of COVID-19 onboard.

Banderas Bay Waters Closed to All Recreational Vessels
On Sunday, Mexico’s Secretary of the Navy instructed all of the country’s port captains to deny dispatches and departures of all nautical tourism and recreational vessels, whether the boats are Mexican- or foreign-owned, in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The above practically prohibits the passage of all yachts, sailboats, catamarans, and even small ‘pangas’ on Banderas Bay. According to the Harbor Master’s Office, only military vessels, Civil Protection boats, and the cruise ships that are taking refuge in our port may transit the waters of the bay. This a government decree that is in force at the national level and will remain so until further notice.

Online Recipes, Lessons, Activities & More from Velas Resorts
Velas Resorts in Mexico is sharing a program of activities for all ages to do at home to stay productive and have fun via their online magazine magazine.velasresorts.com and social media channels. Content ranges from magic and arts & crafts to massage lessons. In addition to recipes of your favorite food and drinks at the resorts, Velas’ 25 world-class chefs are also available to create recipes based on what’s in your pantry. Followers can also request what they’d like to learn. Over the next 40 days, new activities, tips and workshops will be shared daily.

Sources: Vallarta OpinaVelas Resorts

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