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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Welcomed 458,000+ Cruise Passengers in 2022

Puerto Vallarta Welcomed 458,000+ Cruise Passengers in 2022

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In 2022, Puerto Vallarta received 186 international cruise ships with a total of 458,318 passengers, excellent numbers that meant a very interesting upturn after the complicated period of the pandemic that still affected cruise tourism in the previous year.

According to information from the Puerto Vallarta National Port System Administration (ASIPONA), in terms of the number of cruise ships there was an increase of 275.1% compared to 2021, when only 50 arrivals were registered.

In the number of passengers the difference was greater, no less than 323.9 percent, since in 2021 there were 108,123, which is attributed to the fact that not only were there more cruises offered, but there were also more passengers on the ships that were cruising.

It must be remembered that the Mexico cruise season is from October to April, so the first four months of 2022 were quite good, going from 18 arrivals in January to 23 in April. In May, there were 11 arrivals, but the following four months did not exceed five. The last quarter of 2022 was very successful, with 23, 26 and 28 arrivals in October, November and December, respectively.

This, of course, was reflected in the number of cruise passengers. The month with the highest number of tourists that arrived by sea was December with 76,863, although November was also very good with 76,350.

The start of 2023 is proving to be even better. Puerto Vallarta is on track to surpass last year’s figures, with more than 190 cruise ship arrivals expected this year, 30 of which will arrive in January alone, which is more than in any month of 2022.

Source: Contra Línea

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