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Puerto Vallarta

Residents and Officials Meet to Address Romantic Zone Issues

Residents and Officials Meet to Address Romantic Zone Issues

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – On Tuesday, city officials and community members gathered in Lázaro Cárdenas park to discuss ongoing problems in Puerto Vallarta’s Romantic Zone. The meeting was a follow-up to agreements made last week with Interim Mayor Francisco José Martínez Gil.

Led by Héctor Magaña Pérez, the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood association’s legal representative, residents and business owners once again outlined ongoing issues in the area.

One key concern is the park’s vulnerability to vandalism, especially affecting electrical installations and other infrastructure, like the park’s signature tile benches. The association emphasized the need to preserve this beloved space for both residents and visitors. A significant step forward was the commitment to reactivate the park’s security booth, with the neighborhood association offering to supply part of the necessary equipment. Commissioner Rigoberto Flores Parra assured attendees that additional police presence would be deployed to enhance safety in the park and surrounding areas.

The meeting also addressed broader neighborhood concerns. There was a focus on helping homeless individuals who frequent the area and tackling the problem of abandoned vehicles cluttering the streets. Traffic and Roads officials pledged to address the second issue promptly.

Garbage management was another point of discussion. Pablo Sandoval Reyes, Deputy Director of Municipal Public Services, highlighted the need for better adherence to trash collection schedules. An awareness campaign was proposed to ensure compliance, with the use of social media to communicate truck routes and times more effectively.

Officials also agreed to inspect and regulate street vendors whose stalls obstruct sidewalks, seeking to bring order to the bustling area. The repair of damaged manholes and removal of obsolete telephone booths were also on the agenda, aimed at improving pedestrian safety.

In a collaborative spirit, business owners and residents proposed a bilingual sign with guidelines and restrictions for beach visitors. This initiative aims to ensure a pleasant and orderly environment for everyone.

The meeting saw the participation of key city officials, including Jaime Gabriel Pérez Meza, Director of Public Works; Daniel Córdova Aréchiga, Director of Registry and Licenses; Brenda Janeth Díaz Flores, Director of the Vallarta Institute of Culture; and Eraclio Galván Mendoza, Director of SEAPAL Vallarta. They were joined by business and community leaders who are actively engaged in the well-being of the Zona Romántica.

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