64.1 F
Puerto Vallarta

Vallarta Botanical Garden Still Open

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The Vallarta Botanical Garden is still open and will remain so as long as possible. So come out to the Garden, where you can practice social distancing, while enjoying fresh air and natural inspiration – at least for the time being.

Bask in nature and let the inspiration flow
The number one priority in any emergency is to maintain calm and resist the urge to panic. While for many that may be easier to say than do, by changing our surroundings to places of natural inspiration, we can optimize our abilities to focus on the bigger picture and foster liberating feelings of positivity that our immediate stressors can hold us back from enjoying.

Breathe in the good and breathe out the bad
For respiratory illnesses such as coronavirus, it’s of paramount importance to spend time outside in the fresh air. Activities such as hiking trails or swimming in the river that passes through the Garden, El Río Los Horcones, encourage us to inhale deeply, expand our lungs, and celebrate the life-sustaining exchange of air that unites plants, people, and animals.

Be social, but from a safe distance
The Vallarta Botanical Garden has plenty of space in which you can avoid crowds and keep your distance from others, a new social norm during this time of a pandemic. If you choose to dine with us in the Garden’s Hacienda de Oro Restaurant, we are skipping a table between seatings to maintain an average distance of three meters from one party to another. You may also ask for a picnic lunch to eat out in the Garden – completely plastic and guilt free!

While there, you can explore the Garden’s inspirationally landscaped grounds, fascinating botanical collections, impressive plant conservatories and adventurous trails through the forest preserve, so come out for some fresh air, natural inspiration and social distancing – while you still can!

Before you come out to the Vallarta Botanical Garden, be sure to visit our Facebook page for the latest news and information.

Visit the internationally famous Vallarta Botanical Garden located just 30 minutes south of Old Town at Km. 24 on Highway 200 and easily accessible by public transportation and taxi. This 74 acre wildlife preserve and botanical garden have something fun for everyone. Over 200 species of birds have been observed on the Garden’s grounds. Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit for a refreshing dip in the jungle river. See plantings of vanilla, chocolate, and hundreds of other botanical delights! Authentic Mexican Cuisine is served in the Hacienda de Oro Restaurant from 10 am to 5 pm. The Garden is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm (closed Mondays from April 1 to December 1). Garden admission is just $200 pesos. For more information, call (322) 223-6182 or visit vbgardens.org.

Click HERE to learn more about Vallarta Botanical Gardens.

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