62.5 F
Puerto Vallarta

Vallarta Businesses Get Free Tablets

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Last week, Mayor Arturo Dávalos delivered the first of 580 tablets to be distributed to small businessmen and entrepreneurs in Puerto Vallarta as part of the ‘Reactiva Municipios’ program, an effort to support this sector by providing the tools and technologies that will help them sell their products and services online.

This support is part of a joint effort by the state and local governments under the Jalisco Plan for Economic Reactivation, which launched a call to access this initiative last month. 580 Puerto Vallarta businesses met the stipulated requirements and are now benefiting from this program.

Leading the symbolic delivery to the first beneficiaries was Mayor Arturo Dávalos, who stressed that the city and state have been working as a team to achieve a balance between health and economic development during this pandemic, with programs such as the delivery of these tablets.

“This will help you to continue promoting your establishment, your business, online and through social networks, which is now a new modality.” He went on to explain that nowadays the internet is a key place for people to shop, choose what they need, order, pay and receive their products or services, without leaving the safety of their homes.

In this sense, the Mayor expressed appreciation for the joint work that the councilor Guadalupe Guerrero Carvajal, president of the Tourism and Economic Development Commission, and the general director of Internal Trade of the Jalisco Secretariat of Economic Development, Pedro Martínez Ponce, maintained to launch this program for the benefit of Vallarta tradesmen.

Dávalos took this opportunity to reiterate that we must not lower our guard against Covid-19, but should instead continue to follow all health measures, “because it will take the commitment and responsibility of everyone to get ahead in the face of this global pandemic,” he asserted.

Councilor Guadalupe Guerrero Carvajal stressed that the tablets are an important support for small businesses, “especially for entrepreneurs, who can use them to reactivate sales in these trying times by offering their products and services online.”

She added that the tablet recipients will be contacted by the Directorate of Tourism and Economic Development to schedule virtual free training courses in online marketing and sales, focused on each business’ products and services, so that they can take better advantage of the device that was delivered to them.

Pedro Martínez Ponce, general director of Internal Trade of the State Secretariat for Economic Development, specified that ‘Reactiva Municipios’ is a transversal program in which the state government and municipalities combine resources for the acquisition of these tablets, with which they seek to help reactivate the economy. He indicated that work will continue on other economic reactivation schemes for Puerto Vallarta.

On behalf of the beneficiaries, Mayra Yadira Uribe Rodríguez was the first to receive this device, for which she thanked the municipal president for the support he gives her and her colleagues. “I am a merchant, I am dedicated to catalog sales and receiving a device in these times is very helpful; it’s going to help me increase my income. I am very pleased to know that we have a municipal president who manages resources and programs for our city,” she said.

The Director of Tourism and Economic Development of the city council, Ramón González Lomelí, was also present for this first delivery of the tablets to be distributed.

Puerto Vallarta Municipal Government news bulletin translated and edited by Lorena Sonrisas for BanderasNews.com.

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