80.5 F
Puerto Vallarta

Healthcare for Mexicos Indigenous Women

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem

As a young feminist of the 70’s I was inspired (and still am) by Gloria Steinem. I arrived in rural indigenous Mexico in 1973, my tattered newspaper version of “Our Bodies, Our Selves” in hand, ready to change the lives of women who didn’t have access to birth control.

Guess what? They also changed me! Don’t you agree? After over 40 years of running the Center for Traditional Medicine (CTM), I remain as committed as ever to supporting women’s access to health care, especially natural health care for the treatment of trauma and the effects of violence and chronic illness.

But I can only do this with your help. We have received so much financial and in-kind help along the way, and I am grateful. Many of you know that I subscribe to Maid Marian’s approach to fundraising, the early feminist who believed that those with more give, so that those with less will benefit.

It is now that I call upon your help. Your generous support of my teaching and books funds our non-profit work, but not completely. My work at the CTM (a US non-profit 501c(3) project of cwis.org) is done on a totally volunteer basis. But I don’t need your donation for me personally. I need it to support the on the ground delivery of care to women in our current projects: Will you choose one to support?

Nutrients for Natives
This project brings, at no charge, health resources, including essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal medicines, to Native women in rural areas of Mexico (with a regional focus on the Pacific Northwest and Cabo Corrientes) who have diabetes, pain, heart disease and depression.

Medical Massage for Diabetes

This year we were given our 2nd grant by the Massage Therapy Foundation to deliver medical massage for diabetes type 2 to the poor and underserved in rural and urban Mexico. But the demand for treatment far outweighs the stipends we have to pay the massage therapists.

Will you celebrate the 42nd year anniversary CTM this year by making a tax-deductible donation to our projects?

As a special gift of thanks, donations of $125.00 or more will receive a personally autographed copy of my new book, Natural Woman: Herbal Remedies for Radiant Health at Every Age and Stage of Life.

Leslie Korn has lived and worked in Banderas Bay since 1973 conducting research in Traditional Medicine of Mexico. She is a Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health-educated clinician in clinical practice in Mental Health Nutrition, Integrative Medicine and the prevention of dementia and cognitive decline. She is the author of 8 books, including ‘Natural Woman: Herbal Remedies for Radiant Health at Every Age and Stage of Life.’ To learn more about her work, visit DrLeslieKorn.com. She can be reached at lekorn(at)cwis.org. Click HERE to read more articles by Leslie Korn.

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