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Jalisco Launches Cutting-Edge Online Legal Trials System

Jalisco Launches Cutting-Edge Online Legal Trials System

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – In a significant leap forward in legal technology, the Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, and the President of the State Judiciary, Daniel Espinosa Licón, have announced the launch of the state’s new Online Trials system. This digital platform is open to legal professionals and all citizens seeking to file lawsuits online, offering time savings, streamlined legal processes, and the same legal validity as traditional paper-based proceedings.

Initiated by the Judiciary in 2019 and supported by the State Government, this project has now become a reality, promising to expedite and simplify the delivery of justice within the region. The initiative is bolstered by the Jalisco network, currently connecting all 145 courts across the state.

Governor Alfaro expressed his delight at this milestone, emphasizing the joint efforts made over the past few years. He noted the budgetary and technological challenges that have been overcome, particularly when the Jalisco Network became available, enabling seamless connectivity between courts. With an investment of over 21 million pesos, the necessary software to operate this system is fully operational.

This collaborative approach aligns with Jalisco’s commitment to autonomy and the separation of powers, fostering cooperation and respectful dialogue between branches of government.

“We are immensely proud to announce that we now possess the most robust online trial system in all of Mexico,” declared Alfaro Ramírez. “This achievement underscores our dedication to strengthening our state’s public institutions. Just days ago, we celebrated the constitutional budget allocation for the State Judiciary, ensuring its autonomy, independence, and inter-branch respect. Today, with this accomplishment, we reaffirm our commitment to fortify our state’s public powers from their respective domains.”

For his part, Daniel Espinosa, the head of the local Judiciary, emphasized the collaborative efforts of the Executive and Legislative branches in establishing the legal framework for the Online Trials system, enhancing transparency in the legal processes.

“With this platform, the Judiciary is positioned to provide modern, innovative, and digital justice, making us more effective and efficient in all court proceedings. Jalisco is now at the forefront. While four other states have online trials, the best, the most modern, and the most innovative system is here in Jalisco. We invite the legal community to take advantage of this extraordinary tool,” said Espinosa Licón.

The Online Trial system is a citizen-centric technological platform that facilitates civil, family, and commercial legal procedures online, incorporating a Digital Case File.

For further information on this groundbreaking lawsuit filing system and its requirements, visit juicioenlinea.cjj.gob.mx.

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