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Jalisco Third in Mexico Job Recovery

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – During the month of January, Jalisco generated 6,755 new sources of employment, with which it has accumulated a total of 44,487 new formal jobs created during the economic reactivation period from August 2020 to January 2021.

This positive dynamic places Jalisco in third place nationwide in the number of jobs recovered from those lost during the first months of the pandemic, contributing 13.7 percent of the job sources that have been recuperated throughout the country during the economic reactivation period.

The job recovery rate in Jalisco is 2.6%, above the national rate, which is 1.7%.

The 6,755 jobs generated in Jalisco during the first month of the year exceed the historical average for the month of January, which is traditionally 4,601 new jobs.

“The efforts made by the State Government to mitigate the negative economic effects of the pandemic with the implementation of the Jalisco Plan for Economic Reactivation, is reflected in the generation of these new jobs,” shared the Secretary of Economic Development of Jalisco, Ernesto Sánchez Proal.

And he highlighted that in addition to the economic support programs for companies, the work carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco) in terms of attracting investment added to the recovery of employment.

“This is a clear sign that our economic reactivation strategies are giving good results and also that our investment attraction strategy is having positive results, since almost half of these new jobs are in the transformation industry, many of them in advanced manufacturing,” he said.

“This is also a leading indicator that 2021 will be a positive year of economic recovery, strongly supported by new manufacturing jobs and also by new investments that will be arriving in the State of Jalisco. We have generated certainty based on the actions that this Government has taken, not only in the management of the pandemic, but also in general, in the economic sector,” he added.

During the month of January, the transformation industry created the highest number of jobs, concentrating 48.8 percent of those generated, followed by the construction industry and the agricultural sector.

Source: jalisco.gob.mx

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