75.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Local Churches in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is home to a wide range of churches and temples catering to every faith and religion. In addition to an abundance of Catholic churches, there are also weekly English-speaking services for non-denominational christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints and the Baha’i Faith to name a few. Here’s a list of Banderas Bay churches for those who want to attend church services in Puerto Vallarta . . .


Amazing Grace Christian Church
Paseo Cocoteros 33-35 located in Ciao Restaurant
Next to Riviera Restaurant, across from Bahia del Sol
Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit
10:00 am Sunday Service in English
Stanley Woodward – Pastor
Email: amazinggrace.cc.nv@gmail.com
Websites: amazinggracechurchpv.com & amazinggracemissions.org
Visit them on Facebook

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Central Ingles Congregation
271 Milan, Colonia Versalles
Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting – Monday 7 pm
Public Talk and Watchtower Study – Saturday 4 pm
Email: bthomsen(at)prodigy.net.mx

Grace and Peace Nondenominational Christian Church
20 de Noviembre #42, Bucerias
10:00 am (Jalisco time) Service on Sunday
Pastor Sean Spear
Tel: (322) 227-2217
Email: sean(at)gapmexico.org
Website: GapMexico.org

Catholic Mass
Paradise Village Golf and Spa Resort
Nuevo, Nayarit
Shopping Mall Paradise Plaza
10:00 am Service (Sunday)

Christian Service
Paradise Village Golf and Spa Resort
Nuevo, Nayarit
Salon Del Sol
10:30 am Service (Sunday)

Jewish Services
Chabad of Puerto Vallarta
Av Francisco Medina Ascencio 1951

First Baptist Christain Church
181 Argentina (Mexico and Argentina)
Puerto Vallarta, El Centro (downtown)
9:45 am Service (Sunday)
Men & Women’s Bible Study (Tues: 10:00 am)
Family Bible Study (Thurs: 7:00 pm)CATHOLIC

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Parroquia de Guadalupe
Hidalgo #370
Downtown Puerto Vallarta
Tel: 222-1326

Sacred Cross Parish
Parroquia de la Santa Cruz
Lázaro Cárdenas #395 at Aguacate
Tel: 222-0989

Our Lady of the Refuge Parish
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Refugio
Corner of Perú and Argentina
Tel: 222-4980

San Rafael Parish
Parroquia San Rafael
Calle Jamaica
Tel: 222-2440

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
Templo Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Plaza Paritzica # 17 Col. Aramara
Tel: 224-0329

Virgen of Talpa Church
Iglesia de la Virgen de Talpa
Plaza Central Sur #167
Tel: 224-1323BAPTIST

Primera Iglesia Bautista
Argentina #181 at Parque Hidalgo
Tel: 222-1722 or 223-1322 for English
Website: pibvallarta.com
Email: info@pibvallarta.com

Perdon y Amistad Church
Candelaria 143, Barrio Sta Maria
(Two blocks from the Libramiento and the Old Regional Hospital)
Bilingual Services on Sundays at 11 am
Tel: (322) 223-4311 or 222-2572
Email: saul(at)perdonamistad.com
Website: PerdonAmistad.com

Apostolic Church-Faith in Christ
Iglesia Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo
Costa Rica #1422
Tel: 224-9682

Jehovah’s Witnesses
Testigo de Jehová
Libramiento #244

Worship in Paradise
An Inter-Denominational Worship Service in Puerto Vallarta
Every Sunday at 10:30 am, conveniently located in Old Town
Casual, Contemporary, Everyone Welcome.
Meeting at Act II Main Stage Theater
Corner of Insurgentes and Basilio Badillo, South Side of Vallarta
Website: WorshipInParadise.org

Centro Cristiano Nuevo Amanecer
Sierra Aconcagua #111
Tel: 223-2020

Christian Interdenominacional Church
Lateral Libramiento #332
Tel: 222-4019

Light of the World
La Luz del Mundo
Col. Hermosa Provincia
Tel: 224-8273

New Dawn Center
Centro Nuevo Amanecer
Ave. Las Palmas
Tel: 222-3330

Christ Church by the Sea, Iglesia Cristo Del Mar
Sunday Services in English are held at 10 am in our beautiful palapa-roofed place of worship, located at Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio 7936, on the frontage road, across from the airport, next to Sixt Car Rental. From May-Oct services are held in their air conditioned chapel. For more information, visit the website: anglicanchurchpuertovallarta.org

Anglican Church of Mexico
Christ Church by the Sea
In Plaza Genovesa
2015 Francisco Medina Ascencio
Sunday at 10 am
The Rev Canon Bob Webster

Seventh Day Adventist Church
Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día
Roma #188
Tel: 224-8422

Iglesia Eben-Ezer
Juan Escutia #301
Tel: 224-2630

Parroquia de San Miguel-Arcangel
Corner of Independencia and Zapata
Tel: 224-2053

Church of Latter Day Saints
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
Emiliano Zapata #420 Col. Valentín Gómez Farías
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