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Puerto Vallarta

News from IAMPV: Upcoming Concerts, Our New Home & More

News from IAMPV: Upcoming Concerts, Our New Home & More

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Summer news from IAMPV (Instituto de Artes Musicales Puerto Vallarta), a non-profit organization that provides musical education to children and young adults, and serves as an umbrella organization for the Vallarta Symphony Orchestra and the Salty Paws Jazz Orchestra.

Concerts This Weekend!
Two choirs join OSV for these magnificent performances
July 1, 7 pm at Puerto Mágico
July 2, 6 pm at Los Mangos Library

Hear Vivaldi’s iconic “Summer” from The Four Seasons: Vivaldi’s depiction of summer correlates to a poem about the season’s blazing heat. The intense, lazy heat begins to be replaced by a cool and refreshing breeze, accompanied by various singing birds. However, minor chords and dramatic undertones warn us that this breeze could turn into a storm. Come out and enjoy some great music, while supporting music education for the children of Puerto Vallarta. Click HERE for more concert info.

Maestro Aquiles Morales talks about the orchestra experience

My experience conducting the Vallarta Symphony Orchestra began in February 2023 with two important concerts coming. I had less than a month to prepare.

The first thing that caught my attention is the camaraderie and good atmosphere during the rehearsals. Despite the stress caused by the little time we had left to prepare, they helped each other. The most advanced supported those who have less experience. The ones who were less stressed shared a smile with the ones who believed that nothing would go well. And everything went well.

One of the main characteristics of our orchestra is that it is made up of musicians of different ages, levels and nationalities. We are a family where music is the element that unites us. The experience and knowledge provided by the more advanced members is highly respected. After the first concerts my first wish was not to stop.

Take a look at our new orchestra home
Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUCosta)
Av. Universidad 203, Delegacion, Ixtapa

We have a wonderful collaboration with CUCosta to rehearse and perform in their beautiful theater that is fully accessible, with parking, air conditioning, and more!

Salty Paw swings in the summer!

Blues and jazz come together with the Salty Paw Jazz Orchestra. Interested in joining this fun ensemble, expanding your improvisation skills, and playing with a terrific group of musicians under Maestro Roberta Mora? Come join the band at Estación Gourmet UdeG (Av. Francisco Villa No. 516 Col. Valentín Gómez Farías). Rehearsals Wednesday and Thursday nights at 6 pm.

Want to jazz up your event? Salty Paw can bring our vibrant performance to your special event. Email iampvinfo(at)gmail.com for availability and details.

Did you know?

Mozart composed his first symphony at 8 years old. He wrote Symphony No. 40, featured in this weekend’s programming, when he was just 35 years old. What were you doing at 8 years old?

We’re happy to answer your questions about our music, our programs, arts in Banderas Bay, or anything else in the arts you would like to know. Email iampvinfo(at)gmail.com with questions and we’ll do our best to answer in upcoming newsletters.

We’re seeking donations of…

Instruments: tympani, bassoon, drum kit accessories, a full-sized violin for an advanced teen, and a grand piano for the university

We also need a professional sound system with microphones, cables, speakers; a computer with a USB port; a smart phone; Cash to help us to continue to deliver vital education programs.

If you can help, please email iampvinfo(at)gmail.com

IAMPV (Instituto de Artes Musicales Puerto Vallarta) is a non-profit educational music institute whose mission is to bring the joy of music to children and young adults in the greater Banderas Bay area. This is accomplished through a comprehensive program with many levels of instruction and different musical disciplines. Musical instruments are provided to beginning students.

For more information about the concerts, IAMPV programs, or how you can participate, visit IAMPV.org, or IAMPuertoVallarta on Facebook.

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