Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Autumn not only brings us Oktoberfest, Halloween, Dia de los Muertos and Thanksgiving, but also a day to memorialize the members of the armed forces of USA and Canada who have died in the line of duty.
For many expats, Veterans Day and Remembrance Day (also known as ‘Poppy Day’ or ‘Armistice Day’), a Memorial Day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I, is one of the most important days of the year.

To honor service members of the U.S. and Canadian armed forces, the American Legion and Jay Sadler Project A.C. are organizing a Veterans / Remembrance Day memorial on Friday, November 11th. The event will take place at 11:00 am on the Malecón next to El Faro (the lighthouse), located on Calle Morelos across from Murphy’s Irish Pub in El Centro.
Coffee and water will be provided starting at 10:30 am, courtesy of the Jay Sadler Project A.C. The post-event celebration, including live music performed by Bobbi & the Others, will be held across the street at Murphy´s Irish Pub at noon, and all Veteran’s will receive a Hot Dog or Burger and first drink courtesy of American Legion Post 12.
Attending dignitaries include: Captain Ricardo Flores, USN Naval Attache-US Embassy Mexico City; Dennis Rike, President Jay Sadler Project A.C.; Jesse Riviera, Commander Post 12; and Bill Guillermo Martineau, Canadian Legion Past President.
A special thanks to the production crew: Jim Mawdesley, Jim Ranallo, Donna Wong, Jay Sadler, and American Legion Chaplain Dennis Janson.
In other news, the 11th Annual Puerto Vallarta Chili Cook Off will be held on February 18, 2023, at Puerto Mágico. For more information email Chairman Jim Sullivan at jim(at)pvchilicookoff.com.
A registered Charitable Organization operating in the Puerto Vallarta area, the Jay Sadler Project A.C. provides many maintenance support services such as painting, construction and electrical to needy organizations and playgrounds. In 2021 – 25 projects were completed. The Project also operates fundraising projects for various local charities throughout the year. For more information visit jaysadlerproject.com.