Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – November kicked off a new season of Purr-fectly wonderful events to support the 180+ cats and kittens at PuRR Project, Puerto Vallarta’s non-profit feline shelter. And the fun continues in December with bi-weekly PuRR Shelter Tours and Kitty BINGO games, and the annual Beach Luau at Sea Monkey.
We’ve got everything cleaned up from the flood last month… well almost! Trisha’s Kitten House suffered damage from the water and some sections of tile are scheduled to be replaced in the nursery. José’s brother, Carlos, decided to come back to work with us and he is a welcome addition! He is primarily responsible for the grounds (has already repainted the nursery!) and for giving José and Hilda a chance to take an occasional day off. Running a shelter is a 365 day a year job and just not possible without dedicated people there 24/7.
We took in 19 new kittens in November plus one nursing mama. We had only six adoptions at PetCo. At last count, there were 37 kittens in the nursery, clinic and Macho’s House. So if you are looking for a special kitty as a Christmas gift… we have plenty left for you!
I am amazed when I meet people every week who still do not know that there is an Adoption Center at PetCo in Puerto Vallarta… after being open for over a year now! There are both adoptable dogs and cats there every single weekend from Friday morning to Sunday night. Meow!
Daiquiri Dick’s Adoption Post: Saturday mornings from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm throughout the season with adorable kitties to pet or adopt and lots of Logo T-shirts, caps, 2020 Calendars and other goodies… including the new PuRR Project coffee cups, all of which make great Christmas gifts.
Kitty Bingo: December 4th and 18th at 4:00 at Nacho Daddy, located in Old Town at Basilio Badillo 287. They have a special menu and margaritas just for BINGO players!! We’ve been collecting great prizes for winners and also have the popular 50/50 Raffle, so come join us for a fun way to support the PuRR kitties!
Shelter Tours: We are ready for you! Tour dates and tour guides are set! Superior Tours has their best vans and drivers competing for this job! José and Hilda are scrubbing and spiffing up the grounds, and the cats have been warned to be on their best behavior, so all YOU have to do is go to our website and make your reservation.
Tour dates this month are December 11 & 26, then every other Wednesday morning through April 1, 2020. You can’t have more fun for $20 while getting to meet 200 cats and kittens up close… and stopping for fabulous tacos in a quaint village!
Beach Luau at Sea Monkey: Friday, December 13 at 5:00 pm and only $400 pesos. This one is always a lot of fun with a delicious buffet, great raffle prizes and of course the Polynesian dancers (and a prize for best hula dancer!) – all on a beautiful beach at sunset! Contact Marilyn at exkhan(at)usfamily.net for tickets. 100% of proceeds from this one go to PuRR thanks to Troy Valens who provides all the food and drink!
Donations and fund raising events like these are the only sources of financing to provide food, shelter and veterinary care for the 180+ cats and kittens in residence at PuRR Project so, if you live in Puerto Vallarta or plan to visit this winter, make plans to join in the fun, while supporting the shelter.
If you are not going to be in town, it’s easy to choose a way to donate on our website… from scheduled donations through PayPal, Virtually Adopting a cat, or entering “PURR PROJECT USA, Milton DE” when doing your holiday shopping on Amazon Smile, where a percentage of purchases will be donated to PuRR Project, a 501(c)3 non-profit with tax exempt status.
Are you age 70½ or older? Did you know that the Charitable IRA Rollover allows individuals age 70½ and older to make donations direct from your IRA to qualified charities? PURR PROJECT USA, INC. has the required 501c(3) status with EIN: 45-5349146.
This is money you would otherwise be forced to receive under the RMD rules and pay taxes on. You can donate any or all of the minimum distribution for the year. Your IRA trustee would cut a check to PURR PROJECT USA, INC. and give to you to send to us at our Delaware address.
In return, you receive a receipt from us stating that you did not receive any goods or services in exchange for your contribution, so all becomes deductible… a win-win situation for all! For more information, contact Linda at donate(at)purrproject.com.
For more Kitty News, please visit PurrProject.com.