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Puerto Vallarta

SSJ: Mask Mandates Must Be Followed During Easter Holidays

SSJ: Mask Mandates Must Be Followed During Easter Holidays

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – Given that the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the Jalisco Ministry of Health (SSJ) on Monday reiterated the importance of maintaining the proper use of face masks during the Easter holidays in order to reduce the transmission of infections and avoid ‘waves’ of the disease after the vacation period.

In accordance with the current preventive measures, the use of face masks must be maintained both in public spaces and in closed spaces; in addition to frequent hand washing, using alcohol gel and completing vaccination schedules against the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

To facilitate and bring the biological closer to the population, health centers were opened throughout the State on Tuesday where one can go without an appointment from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm to get vaccinated against COVID-19 during the holiday period, some of which will even be open on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

Here in Puerto Vallarta, Covid-19 vaccines will be applied in Medical Units 170 and 179 of the IMSS. The doses will be for everyone over 18 years of age, regardless of whether they require a first, second or booster shot. And, since these clinics are part of the Federal Covid prevention strategy, you do not have to be a beneficiary of the IMSS to be vaccinated at these locations.

However, it will be necessary to bring all of the required documentation: a vaccination file downloaded from the federal website mivacuna.salud.gob.mx, proof of the last dose (if applicable), an official ID and proof of residence.

Those over 18 years of age will receive the AstraZeneca vaccine. Late comers can take advantage of the opportunity to go for their first dose; for the second dose (at least two months after receiving the first) and for the booster (more than four months since your last dose).


The COVID-19 pandemic is still active, so the SSJ reiterates that even if vaccinated, everyone must wear a face mask properly while in closed spaces, always maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between people, frequently wash their hands with soap and water or use 70 percent alcohol gel and, whenever possible, avoid crowds and closed spaces without ventilation. These measures protect vulnerable (immunosuppressed) people and those who have not been vaccinated.

If mild symptoms, or close, unmasked contact with a COVID-19 positive person occur, it is recommended to isolate immediately and see a doctor, who will determine if a test is required.

In case of persistent cough, respiratory distress, fever that does not subside or blood oxygenation below 92, you should go to an emergency unit and not wait for a confirmatory test of infection.


According to data from the SSJ, in Jalisco, during epidemiological week 14 of this year, 4,274 confirmed cases were registered (many cases correspond to previous weeks, but their notification by the institutions was delayed), for a cumulative figure of 586,961 people infected. In addition, 60 deaths were reported, for a total of 19,371 deaths registered so far in the pandemic until the last day of week 14, which was April 9th.

Sources: jalisco.gob.mxVallarta Independiente

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