66.3 F
Puerto Vallarta

Stay at Home Mandatory in Jalisco

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez on Sunday announced that stricter measures to prevent community spread and thereby reduce the number of COVID-19 infections would go into effect in municipalities throughout the State on Monday, April, 20, 2020.

In his message, which was communicated via a video broadcast on his social media channels, Alfaro Ramírez issued a stern warning to the 8.25 million residents of Jalisco: “The life of everyone is at stake, so stay home, practice social distancing and wear face masks,” he said.

Alfaro Ramírez explained that the use of masks in public is now mandatory, and that anyone who leaves their home must be doing so for an essential reason. “Those at high risk, such as older people and those with high blood pressure, diabetes or respiratory illnesses, may not leave their homes at all,” he said.

These mandates are added to those previously implemented, including the closing of all entertainment venues and non-essential businesses in the State; closure of beaches, sports centers, public plazas & parks, and community centers; health checkpoints on all roads leading to Jalisco; and the mandatory wearing of face masks by all public transportation drivers and passengers.

According to the Governor, all of the objectives that were defined in the Jalisco Covid-19 Plan are being met, as evidenced by the fact that Jalisco is in 23rd place for the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the country. “The rate of infections in Jalisco is 11 times less than that of Mexico City, 9 times less than the State of Mexico, 23 times less than that of Baja California, 21 times less than Sinaloa,” he elaborated.

“The government is doing everything in our power to reduce the risk of community contagion. The results confirm that we are doing the right thing. But what we do will be useless if people do not do their part. That is why today I call upon the people of Jalisco to act responsibly, to stay at home, to fulfill their civic obligation,” he stressed.

Though the new mandates have not yet been fully implemented in all of the State’s municipalities, once they are in place, there will be zero tolerance for those who violate the Jalisco Covid-19 Plan’s social distancing and isolation guidelines. State and municipal authorities will monitor compliance of these health measures and those who refuse to comply will face consequences, including fines.

Sources: jalisco.gob.mxeluniversal.com.mx

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