Puerto Vallarta is home to many charities and non-profit organizations that offer everyone the opportunity to enhance the lives of those who are in need of help.
Here’s a list of Puerto Vallarta Non-Profit Charitable Organizations that enrich children’s lives and educations, cater to medical and rehabilitation needs, feed the hungry and fulfill the last wishes of children with fatal illnesses. The continuing and varying needs of the people of Puerto Vallarta depend on the dedication and humanitarian interest of every visitor, part-time resident, and expatriate – make a donation today.

American Legion – Veterans Serving Veterans
Serving Puerto Vallarta, La Cruz and Guayabitos, the mission of American Legion Post 14, Headquartered at Steve’s Sports Bar on Basilio Badillo, is to Support All Veterans in the Banderas Bay area; to maintain an updated website with information to assist Veterans, to provide sources for medical treatment in Vallarta, and to contibute to the community through various fund raising efforts. Their Community Relations (COMREL) program provides necessary resources to improve various institutions in the Banderas Bay area. These include Day Care Centers, Senior Citizen’s Homes and Schools for the Disabled & Deaf, Public Schools in rural areas, and Private Institutions doing charity work needing building maintenance. Meetings are held every 1st Thursday and 3rd Tuesday. Visit AmericanLegion14.org for more info and meeting locations.
Asociación Down
The Foundation for assistance to persons with Down’s Syndrome dedicates its work to the rehabilitation of Down’s syndrome children for entrance into the regular school system. Make a donation or volunteer, contact Ana Catalina Eisenring 224-9577
Casa Hogar
An established orphanage near the airport for children from birth to 14. Most of the 60 kids have families who are unable to care for them. Contact Luz Aurora Arrendonado 221-1908 casahogar_maximocornejo(at)hotmail.com.

Centro Comunitario SETAC-GLBT Puerto Vallarta
The purpose of the Puerto Vallarta Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, located at Constitucion #427 on the corner of Manuel Dieguez, is to provide essential services to the GLBT community, including support in recovery from alcoholism and other afflictions, physical and mental health treatment and referrals, education and recreation in an atmosphere of safety, free from discrimination. For example, the Center holds free AA meetings, English classes, HIV testing and counseling. Condoms are always available by simply asking. For more information, contact Paco Arjona at (322) 224-1974 or paco(at)setac.com.mx. Click HERE to learn more about Centro Comunitario SETAC-GLBT.
Clinica de Rehabilitacion Santa Barbara
This is a clinic for the rehabilitation of handicapped people. It is used by members of DIVAC for physical and psychological therapy, and for education and training on leading full productive lives. Contact Laura Lopez Portillo Rodriguez 322-224-2754
Cruz Roja (Red Cross)
The Red Cross handles hospital and emergency service in Vallarta. It is the only facility that is authorized to offer assistance to injured people on the street, transport them to their facility or other ones indicated by the injured person. Needs operating funds, equipment, fuel and maintenance for ambulance supplies and volunteers. Contact 322-222-1533; 222-4973
Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF)
A municipal service, part of the federal System of Family Services that assists not only in times of emergency, but also with ongoing education, health, and training programs for the whole family. Contact City Hall 322-222-0058
Discapactados de Vallarta, A.C.
An association of handicapped individuals dedicated to helping one another lead productive lives. Contact Ivan Applegate 322-221-5153
Eagle’s Wings Foundation
Focuses on providing financial support to organizations and services that benefit children. Contact 322-224-4848
entreamigos Centro Comunitario Educativo
A 501(c)3 non profit organization, entreamigos primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho in Nayarit Mexico. To achieve these goals Entreamigos runs an art collective non-profit store, a library, a computer center and a collection of educational and community based workshops and initiatives. For more information, click HERE or visit entreamigos.org.mx.
Families of the Dump
FAD provides spiritual, educational, medical and physical support to the regisitered recyclers at the Puerto Vallarta city dump. To visit the mission site, please contact info(at)familiesatthedump.org. For further information or to make a donation, visit the FamiliesAtTheDump website. Paradise Village Resort invites you to a Non Denominational Christian Service in English every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Grupo Ecológico de Puerto Vallarta, A.C.
Programs for adoption of dogs and cats. Volunteers and animal handling equipment needed. Forms available in English and Spanish for making an ecological complaint to local authorities. Contact R.C. Walker 222-0897 rc_walkermx(at)yahoo.com.mx

International Friendship Club (IFC)
IFC was established in 1985. Money raised from sales of tickets for Home Tours, membership fees and social events is used to support our free cleft plate program for kids. The money also helps to fund 15 to 20 charities in Puerto Vallarta. Donations are tax deductible in Canada and USA. Contact 322-222-5466 or visit ifcvallarta.org.

Make a Wish Foundation (MAW)
The mission of Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mexico is to grant wishes for Mexican children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. MAW is a registered national non-profit foundation that is part of an international organization operating in more than 30 countries in the world. MAW Mexico has granted wishes to children from more than 20 states in Mexico. Donations are used to grant wishes and are tax deductible in the USA and Mexico. For more information, call (322) 222-9112 or 01 800 DESEOS 1 (337-3671) or send an email to info(at)makeawishmexico.org.

Navy League
The Puerto Vallarta Navy League offers help in the transportation of donated supplies and equipment from the USA to the Banderas Bay area via the US Navy’s ‘Hand Clasp’ Program. In addition, crew members donate part of their shore leave to paint and do maintenance on local schools, orphanages and rehabilitation centers. For more information, contact Laura Joachin at Laura_Joachin(at)yahoo.com Or Fred Piontkowski at Pvdcp(at)yahoo.com.
Organization Vallarta Contra el SIDA (OVCS)
An organization dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, testing, prevention and assistance. The latest program is directed at women of child bearing age who are encouraged to be tested in a free HIV testing program at the Clinic at 533 Hidalgo St. Contact Dr. Manuel Aldana 322-224-1225; Judy Mae 224-1396

Pasitos de Luz
Pasitos de Luz is a Puerto Vallarta non-profit organization founded over 20 years ago by the mothers of disabled children. This registered charity provides kids with various disabilities with a caring and loving environment, where they benefit from physiotherapy, nutritious meals, physical stimulation and special education, at no cost. Donations tax deductible in Canada, USA and Mexico. For more information, and to arrange a visit to Pasitos de Luz, please contact Chris Jacobs at (322) 137-1890 or email info(at)pasitosdeluz.org. Click HERE to learn more.
Pro Biblioteca de Vallarta, A.C.
Raises funds for the Public Library located at 1001 Francisco Villa Avenue. it provides books, CD presentations, film events, and a myriad of cultural courses, attracting 300 people each day. Local residents fund it with some government assistance. Tax deductible receipts available for Mexico and the USA. Contact 322-224-9966; Jimmie Ellis 222-1478

Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza (R.I.S.E)
The Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza is a non-profit shelter for babies and children under the age of 14. Some of these children are orphans but most come from unbearable situations having been abused, neglected, or simply abandoned. R.I.S.E. is a Mexican non-profit charitable organization, which accepts donations through a number of charitable organizations. More information about tax deductible donations can be found at their website: Canadian Childrens Shelter of Hope Foundation
Un Mañana Brillante (A Brighter Tomorrow)
A partnership of Americans and Canadians to support Colegio Mexico-Americano, a pre-school and primary school in Puerto Vallarta. The school provides excellence in education at very low tuition rates. Instruction is in English and Spanish. Also provides lessons to build character and leadership qualities. Money is being raised fro equipment, facilities, and scholarships. Contact Margi Baughman mach1(at)prodigy.net.mx or David Bender dbender(at)prodigy.net.mx

Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC
Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC was founded in 2004 and was opened to the public in 2005. Our Vision: to build Mexico’s greatest botanical garden here in the enchanted highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Our staff is dedicated to the research and education of plant life, as well as showing the public all the beauty that nature has to offer. Donations to the Vallarta Botanical Gardens are tax deductible in the USA. For more information call (322) 223-6182 or email info(at)vallartabotanicalgardensac.org. Click HERE to learn more