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Puerto Vallarta
News Republic

Mexican Flower Growers Preparing for Christmas Poinsettia Harvest

Flower growers in seven Mexican states are preparing for the start of the poinsettia harvesting season. The well-known deep red Christmas flower will begin to be marketed in November, the Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat reported last week.

New Social Security Law for Domestic Workers in Mexico

Mexico's Chamber of Deputies recently approved a reform of the Social Security Law, making affiliating domestic workers to social security mandatory. With this legal mandate, domestic workers will have access to insurance for everything from illnesses and maternity leaves to work injuries, disability, retirement, unemployment and more.

Mexican Senate Endorses Extending Workers’ Vacations to 12 Days

The Mexican Senate last week unanimously approved doubling the number of paid vacation days for workers in the private sector from 6 to 12 days after the first year of work. The proposed reforms to articles 76 and 78 of the Federal Labor Law have been turned over to the Chamber of Deputies for analysis, discussion and voting.

Avocados From Mexico Continue on Strong Growth Path

The biggest news concerning Mexican avocados lately is the state of Jalisco is now permitted to export Hass avocados to the United States. The agreement integrates 695 orchards, 9,441 hectares, 11 packing houses and 10 municipalities in Jalisco, which many see as a positive thing for the entire industry.

U.S. Citizens are Moving to Mexico in Record Numbers

A record number of Americans are crossing the southern border to live in Mexico, a new report has claimed. According to Mexico's Interior Ministry, more than 8,000 temporary resident visas were issued to US citizens in the first nine months of this year - an 85% increase over the same period in 2019.

GAP: October 2022 Passenger Traffic Up 22.6% at 12 Mexican Airports

For October 2022, the total number of terminal passengers at GAP’s 12 Mexican airports increased by 22.6%, compared to the same period of 2019. Puerto Vallarta, Tijuana, Los Cabos and Guadalajara presented an increase in passenger traffic of 41.9%, 38.4%, 38.2% and 13.3% respectively, compared to October 2019.

Mexico, US Plan Clean-Energy Hub Along Border, AMLO Says

Mexico and the U.S. are working on ambitious plans to turn parts of the border region into a clean energy hub, replete with solar and wind plants, lithium mining and electric vehicle factories, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said during his Monday morning press conference.

Mexico’s Economy Advances 1 Percent in Third Quarter

Mexico's economy grew 1 percent in the July-September period compared to the previous quarter, according to preliminary data published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) on Monday. At an annual rate, the Gross Domestic Product of Mexico advanced 4.3 percent, according to Inegi data.

Women are Looking for a Change, New Opportunities, After Pandemic

The pandemic left structural lags that affect certain sectors of the population, such as women, but, given the changes that have occurred in recent years, they are the ones who are looking for an improvement in their working conditions. In fact, 81% of women surveyed saw the pandemic as an opportunity to reassess their life and career.

All About Día de Los Muertos – The Mexican Day of Death

Día de los Muertos is a multi-day holiday observed annually in Mexico. A celebration of both life and death in which families commemorate their deceased loved ones, the festive period begins on the night of October 31 and continues through All Saints Day and All Souls Day, celebrated November 1st and 2nd respectively.
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