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Puerto Vallarta
News Bay

May 15 Puerto Vallarta News Brief

In these troubling times, everyone wants reliable, up-to-date information. Here, we share some of the latest news from trustworthy sources in Puerto Vallarta, and tips for keeping yourself and your family entertained while you #StayAtHome to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

May 1 Puerto Vallarta News Brief

In these troubling times, everyone wants reliable, up-to-date information. Here, we share some of the latest news from trustworthy sources in Puerto Vallarta, and tips for keeping yourself and your family entertained while you #StayAtHome to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Vallarta Nayarit Find Silver Lining

The Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit area is a destination that implements environmental protection and wildlife conservation programs throughout the year, and it is extra special to be able to see the enhanced benefits of these initiatives during this difficult time.

Mayor Asks Vallarta to be Responsible

Commenting on the state mandates to prevent community spread of COVID-19, Puerto Vallarta Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña did not rule out the implementation of more stringent measures if the people of Vallarta do not abide by the city's protocols and recommendations.

Stay at Home Mandatory in Jalisco

Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez on Sunday announced that effective Monday, April, 20, 2020, there would be zero tolerance for those who violate the State's COVID-19 social distancing and isolation mandates. The use of masks in public is also now mandatory.

Survey Vallarta Residents Feel Safe

To determine the public's perception of security, a National Safety Survey is conducted amongst residents in cities throughout Mexico four times a year. In the latest report, published April 16, 2020, Puerto Vallarta stands out as one of the municipalities whose inhabitants feel safest.

Vallarta Buses Face Masks Required

If you live in Puerto Vallarta, and depend on the public transportation system to get you to where you need to go, you should be aware of the new health protocols that have been implemented on all local buses to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

April 17 Puerto Vallarta News Brief

With the COVID-19 pandemic dominating the world's news and social media channels, it can be difficult to determine what's really happening in Puerto Vallarta, the State of Jalisco, and around the Republic. Here we share some of the latest news from reliable sources in Mexico.

Puerto Vallarta Food Program Expands

After the first installment of the food distribution program surpassed its goal of feeding 7,500 Puerto Vallarta families in need by delivering 10,000 despensas to the city's most vulnerable sectors, Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña announced plans to expand the program.

Vallarta Reinforces Beach Patrols

Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña recently announced strengthened security measures on the city's beaches, which were closed on March 30 to discourage travel to Puerto Vallarta during the Easter vacation period, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
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